Youngster's thoughts

Here I'm going to share some thoughts , of a youngster from one of us, on Independence day .
" We encounter thousands of incidents today in Pakistan. Terrorism is on the top of the list then comes corruption followed by abduction of thousands of children..

Not a day goes by where we don't hear tragic incidents occurring throughout Pakistan ..Still it's gonna be 14 August and again we are filled with same enthusiasm same patriotism and happiness of attaining a separate homeland. That is worth appreciating but are we playing our part for Pakistan ?
No is the answer for us all. Let's celebrate this 14th August by initiating a new motive.That is to bring a change in ourselves, to realize that somehow we are a reason for Pakistan standing still where other nations are going far ahead. Here are some simple objectives we could use :-
-Speak the truth
-Learn to forgive
-Be a little more polite
-Work a little more hard for your country
-Be faithful
-Stop criticism start seeing better in people
-Change yourself for Pakistan
-Don't be same be better
#LongLive #Pakistan
#FutureInOurHands "
Thoughts of: Ahmed Waseem
Youth has potential and spirit.
These effective words matter alot as we all have studied about " Jihaad-bil-Qalam" and this is actually a step towards it.
Devote even your words to your country because we are supposed to do this .
We are Pakistani , We are youth , We bleed green .
Thank you
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