Here I'm going to share some thoughts , of a youngster from one of us, on Independence day .
No is the answer for us all. Let's celebrate this 14th August by initiating a new motive.That is to bring a change in ourselves, to realize that somehow we are a reason for Pakistan standing still where other nations are going far ahead. Here are some simple objectives we could use :-
-Speak the truth
-Learn to forgive
-Be a little more polite
-Work a little more hard for your country
-Be faithful
-Stop criticism start seeing better in people
-Change yourself for Pakistan
-Don't be same be better
#LongLive #Pakistan
#FutureInOurHands "
Thoughts of: Ahmed Waseem
Youth has potential and spirit.
These effective words matter alot as we all have studied about " Jihaad-bil-Qalam" and this is actually a step towards it.
Devote even your words to your country because we are supposed to do this .
We are Pakistani , We are youth , We bleed green .
Thank you
epic 😊