Orange Line Project

Metro Train Project

Under the visionary supervision of Prime Minister Mian Muhammad Nawaz Shareef and due to the untiring efforts of CM Punjab Mian Muhammad Shahbaz Shareef , construction work on Pakistan's first ever orange metro line train is underway. 



A Long Way track for this train

The track has been designed in such a manner that minimum number of land acquired for this project is 982 kanal. Work on this project is in pipeline . 
854 kanal land is in use.
88 kanal will be awarded shortly.
land of 10 kanal of Qazalbash Public School at Mecleod road is withheld due to stay order from court.
30 kanal land is acquired as grant in aid.
The 27 kilometer long track of this train is being constructed from Ali town at Raiwind road and Dera Gujran at G.T road Lahore passing through the densely populated areas of the city.

Budget for this project

Expected cost for this project is about $1.65 billion . About $650 million would come from Federal Government of Pakistan and the rest is financed through China Government as soft loan.Because this project is basically a part of Pak-China Economic Corridor through the Export-Import Bank of China.This is amazingly a largest cost. 

Speed of Work

The construction work on this project is in speed . The renowned civil engineers,labour unions, construction companies are hired for this work and it is in continuous progress . Going towards its completion.




Benefits of this train for the citizens

  • This train will provide a fast and quick mode of transportation for more than 250,000 commuters on daily basis initially.
  • And this strength will reach to about 500,000 in about 10 years.
  • It will be a cheap and advanced mode of transportation.
  • No time waste, No traffic blockage, No irritation and all that what the working people and travellers face these days.
  • The start to end journey will take only 45 minutes otherwise it is covered in two to three hours , so it is a much good side of this project.

Downside of this project

  • There has been a lot of hue and cry by the civil society about the route of Orange Metro Line.
  • All the people ; those engineers , civil union workers, labours, construction companies and other service agencies who provide important service to the community , city but generally ask for very little in return.This is totally wrong.
  • A large number of people, shopkeepers and the people living,working associated areas are asked to leave their homes,shops,workshops,centers,schools and been offered money for this. Just because their belongings are to be demolished for this project.This is also cruel.
  • I as a citizen thinks Pakistan is a developing country and this time is too make its economy strong but not to take loans just to make roads , trains and all that transport services.Well this is insane.
  • A goodly number of people has lost their lives due to the accidents at the construction places of this train. Because the work is underway in densely populated areas where traffic is in its haste.So it results in sad deadly accidents.I feel pity for this.
  • Pakistan's ; Lahore's many heritage places are on thier way to destruction because of no proper look after . It will be much good if the Government also pay some attention on the betterment of historical places.


Well! we are excited for this train, to travel in this metro line . The Government truly deserves great admiration for this project for giving people of lahore an orange line train. I , as a citizen, myself want orange line train because I want the transport system of my country upto the international standard.

and this is my official right to ask about every good and bad side of their project as I have elected them with my vote.
Stay excited for this evolution in transport world

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